How to Clean Every Sex Toy

How to Clean Every Sex Toy


Type of Toy Matters

Mild Soap and Warm Water

Boiling in Hot Water

Bleach Dilution

UV Sanitizer

Dry After Washing

What You Should NOT Use to Clean Your Toys



Cleaning your adult toys is the most important thing you can do for them. It keeps them in good shape and helps prevent infections, which could lead to serious health problems down the road. So let's get started!

Type of Toy Matters

It's important to know what kind of toy you want to clean. Toys made with different materials are going to require different cleaning methods, so make sure you read up on the composition of your specific toy before getting started.

If your adult toy has a motor or battery, it's best not to submerge it in water unless stated otherwise. Water can damage the internal components of your device and kill it! You also don't want to expose your battery powered toys to extreme heat--these toys usually contain lithium batteries which can explode if heated.

Mild Soap and Warm Water

Mild, fragrance-free soap, toy wash, or menstrual cup wash and some warm water are all you need for your non-porous glass and metal toys, vibrators, and silicone (if it's not being used as an anal toy). Silicone is often touted for being non-porous, but this is false! It's actually micro-porous, meaning the pores in the material are too small to trap bacteria. Unfortunately, those pores are big enough to trap odors, so you absolutely want to sterilize more thoroughly on a semi-regular basis using the methods below.

Boiling in Hot Water

Boiling in hot water is the most common method for cleaning toys. It's easy, affordable and effective at getting rid of bacteria.

First, place your non-motorized toys in a pot and cover them with water. Bring the water to a boil and let it simmer for 10 minutes before turning off the heat and letting your toys cool down completely before removing them from their bath. Then simply dry off any excess moisture with a towel, or if they're a tacky silicone, let them air dry.

Bleach Dilution

It might sound scary, but bleach is literally just chlorine--it's the same way we sterilize the water we drink from our taps. Bleach diluted properly is a great, cheap way to sterilize your silicone and motorized toys! Here's how to make and use a bleach dilution.

  • Mix 1 part bleach to 10 parts water.
  • Submerge your toy for 10 minutes, being careful to not submerge the plug hole in any motorized toy.
  • Rinse thoroughly with plain water.
  • Dry completely before storing properly.

If you're still freaked out by the idea of using bleach or just hate the smell in general, swap it out for white vinegar and soak for 20-30 minutes instead. It will disinfect without the fumes.

UV Sanitizer

UV sanitizers are a great way to clean your toys.

The positives:

  • They're quick and easy.
  • They kill 99.9% of bacteria in just two minutes.
  • They're safe to use on all materials (including silicone toys).

The negatives:

  • They sanitize only what the light can touch--for dark colored toys, this is just the surface.
  • They're pricey--a large, box type UV sanitizer can run for around $100 USD.
  • Larger sizes can be hard to find--most of the UV sanitizers on the market are made to fit a smartphone--not big enough for a 12 inch dong.

That said, they can sanitize pretty much anything and you can get crazy with cleaning your belongings far beyond your sex toys. You can buy UV sanitizers online through retailers like Amazon.

Dry After Washing

If you have a vibrator or other motorized toy, make sure that it's completely dry before turning it on again. The last thing you want is for your toy to start buzzing when there's still water inside of it! If there's moisture in the battery compartment, then everything inside could short out and cause damage to both yourself and your electronics equipment--not good!

What You Should NOT Use to Clean Your Toys

  • Hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol: They're just way too strong for your delicate parts! These products contain high concentrations of ethyl alcohol (70 percent), which is much stronger than what's found in wine or beer (usually 5-20 percent). Alcohol can dry out silicone and make it more porous, which will lead to bacteria growing in those pores.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: it damages and swells up your silicone toys, essentially ruining them.
  • Dishwasher: We know this is a thing people have said to do, but don't. For one, it might not reach the heat you need it to. It also can damage the toys and doesn't ensure a thorough wash. Plus, dish detergent is not meant to go...down there.
  • Soap with fragrance: Fragrances and genitals don't mix. If it's a toy wash that has a very diluted amount of essential oil, it's fine. But if it's a chemically-sourced, synthetic perfume, steer clear to avoid allergic reactions.

Your toys are a part of your life, and as such deserve a little care and cleaning. Cleaning your toys will not only keep you (and anyone else you choose to use them on) safe and healthy, it will also preserve the lifespan of your toy collection.


We hope that this guide has provided you with some helpful information on how to clean your sex toys. Have more questions? Drop them in the comments or reach out to us at and we’ll do our best to help you out.
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